Sat. Jan 18th, 2025

***New***A Winter of Un-forgettableness***

I have been extremely silent in 2023. But overwhelmingly busy. Even So I must explain the foregoing. I will soon…

Soon is now.

This will be one of my saddest posts; to which I wish the following were not true nor even possible. I want all to carefully consider this message. The Winter Referenced? Well it is not a winter of seasons; but a winter of non-reasonings. But a Nuclear Winter. Continue reading if courage and faith abounds.

Continue reading

Picking it up here: You see family, Russia can be beat in this war with Ukraine: However, without a concerted and specific effort, sanctioned by I must say the Greatest Love Humanity has yet to know….Russia cannot be defeated! Yet there can be a very positive outcome. But as it stands now; that positive outcome will likely require the help of so many of you. I have been very hesitant to share this story. If any have followed my writings or P.O.V. you have noted me saying that WWIII will not be. Yet I must tell you now as time fades that thing I called a Winter War is marching forward as a “Nuclear War”. Here is how it is likely to unfold.

UKRAINE can and yes will defeat Russia. Without a very specific intervention, which has been shared with me, in a manner I did not create and find discomfort in describing. So for now forgive me for bypassing that intervention explanation. I can say it asks of me to go to President Putin’s part of the world to deliver a very specific message. Thats where things get really difficult. No not out of any fear, tho fear is relevant. Due to the many obstacles, I have encountered getting there. You as well as I would think, such an important matter cannot not be contingent upon one person, one man’s success at travel? Well don’t be so sure.

What’s potentially worse? If or I should say, when Russia launches a Nuke to change the course of their Aggressive Error in attacking Ukraine: Aligned N.A.T.O. Nations will demand retribution. That eye for an eye thing? N.A.T.O. will then have to put up or shut up. That is to say if N.A.T.O. fears President Putin, more than it fears standing up to Russia; then N.A.T.O. Nations will find themselves potential sefts of Russia. Russia will grow exponentially on the worlds stage and N.A.T.O. will likewise diminish. Cleary meaning N.A.T.O. will fall.

Should N.A.T.O. stand strong; then the Nuclear Winter War, may go global, thereby becoming that dreaded War no peacexxx people want.

At this point peace as well as I; need the help of Peaceful People…Well that ain’t happening.

If I am to go to President Putins part of the World? Whatever I may need…I already have…

I will keep you all posted on my efforts; including and especially the GoFundMe; If it must be done.

I have learned the Life requires “Faith and Action” sometimes for Human success in Peace. One without the other is destined to leave us floundering.

In Adoration; Sincerely I am: CJLC

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