Sat. Jan 18th, 2025



Happy International Woman’s Day 2023: Each & Every Day of Her Life>>>Remember “The Strength, Compassion, Love & Kindness of a Nation is Foretold; Through the Dedication of Her: Great Grand Moms, Grand Moms, Moms, Wives and Daughters”.

This and Every Day!!!

On 24 February 2022 :

Russia again attacked a peaceful neighbor. But this time; The Lions..As I like to call Ukrainians when in Battle; did more than Roar. They grabbed scalpels and got busy clawing and cutting. Thank you to all who have supported Ukraine!!!

Viva Ukrainski

@ 03:00 GMT – Putin announces invasion of Ukraine

This is the moment The World Froze with Fear and trepidation.

@ 03:35 GMT – Most of the World Condemns Russia.

@ 3:46 GMT – ​​Explosions reportedly heard in Mariupol, eastern Ukraine

Timeline continued on: =. YouTube. Here there are 2 films I created in 2018, warning war will come. I wasn’t believed and felt friends were getting annoyed with me. Maybe I should have shouted until, until. Blessings all.

Updates Ukraine!! Some of the M1a2 Abrams tanks have started to arrive in European countries I.E. Poland.

“BRAVO”. IF TRUE. IT’S ABOUT DARN TIME. January 24th 2023

January 20th 2023

I think a letter writing campaign is in order to Germans. I actually started last May. Heading should be TANKS TO UKRAINE. Time for a new one. Anyone got emails for Olaf Scholz of Germany? Here’s his website and this seems to be an email for important chats: Click this link to email Chancellor of Germany…

Chancellor Olaf Please Give Ukraine Tanks. Stop Cowardly Behavior. Let’s write. Click or copy the above email address and send your request for Germany to provide Tanks to Ukraine.!!!! This is an urgent request!!!!

I call this short film “Merry Christmas &. Happy New Year” “Defenders of Democracy”
click {} for full screen. Lower right of President Zelensky’s screen.


Christmas? You ask about? Well in Ukraine and other Slavic /African Countries Christmas comes the First Week of January.

Thank You Everyone

Viva Ukrainski on the Euro-Maiden and Every Day

Volodymyr Zelensky

Wins Ukraine’s Presidency



But then again; with murders and threats of murder being on the rise in Ukraine; Sadly this may become a very bad time for Ukraine internally.  Thus maybe not so N.E.U., but returning to a time long since forgotten.  It has been written:  HE WHOM FORGETS HIS (OR HER) PAST IS “DOOMED TO REPEAT IT”.  Sadly it so seems.

There are Great People in Ukraine.  So great people you MUST fight the evil of a few too make and keep your country great and safe for everyone.

I have experience great people running like scared rabbits from the few evil ones. Please learn to stand together or you may find yourselves standing and falling alone; that is as your greatest stalker; like a hawk, is waiting for the time too attack.  This you BETTER believe. Translate button is below. Ukrainians are not cowards; are not a fearful people.  You must learn to remember to be smart and tactically wise against those who would continue to rape, rob and steal from Ukraine.  More soon…



Click the top right arrow to hear



Click Nicky’s name above to see him perform, Ukraine National Anthem..


Please Support The Cause for Human Rights: The Life and Happiness Ukraine Gives, Will Return in Ways Yet Unknown.

I welcome your comments and suggestions: My email address is:


Hello. I am an American. I Want the Best for One of The Greatest and Kindest, People I Have Met: UKRAINIANS.

  1. I Hope to  Inspire N.A.T.O. to Admit Ukraine.
  2. I Hope to Inspire Ukraine to become a healthier Nation. 
  3.  By healthier I mean, 
  4.  Every place on earth has problems. Some worse than others. Overall I have Found Ukraine and her Citizens to be some of, if not the best on this earth. Even in my book, I highly praise Ukrainian People as just great. Of course my desire is for Ukraine and her People to find the safest route for their peace and prosperity. Such is not a decision for me or for N.A.T.O. It’s up to Ukrainians. IT’S UP TO YOU. If in my desire to think that I can help; I offended. Please accept my apologies. I am a very impassioned person. Much like I have seen the Ukraine People. Impassioned about being kind to others.
  5. I have new book coming soon. It will surprise many. Stay tuned…
  6. Finally, this book is about an impassioned plea for the admission of the wonderful people & Nation of Ukraine into the family of NATO! They can no more be held accountable for their government than we can for the unfortunate deeds of some in the U.S.A. Government. If any modern-day Nation deserves NATO admission, it is Ukraine. However, I must caution my beloved Ukraine, that as a NATO partner, they must not tolerate social ills.
  7. Ukraine, I know you care about human rights? I know because I have been devoted to visiting for some 12 years; off and on. And asking myself, what can I do to help these great people.
  8. When I built this site; I was feeling sort of sad, because I saw foreigners trying and being successful at degrading the standards of the People I love; Ukrainians. Actually I became quite angry.
  9. You see I first came here in 2007 as I remember. Then some of these ugly foreigners had not discovered Ukraine. In fact I came here to meet with the head of Luganova distillery in Lugansk.

The State President, of Luganova was such a great person, he took myself and my assistant for a tour in his limousine of some nice places in Lugansk. That Friends is the quality of Ukrainian People. Only here would I have encountered such respect and kindness. I still have his business card and will post upon finding it. He presented me with the below presentation a power point of Luganova. I am only posting the cover page, not the entire ppt.

  1. My beloved People of Ukraine, please remember your historical kindness to people who care. Ukraine has so many foreigners coming into your country who bring either love and kindness or not.
  2. I did not set up a go fund me page because I expected donations. But to bring attention to the possibility that Putin’s Russia is hell bound to reclaim Ukraine. That go fund me link is below.
  3. Special thanks to my new friends from Lugansk. Their continued kindness reminds of their beauty in so many ways.
  4. Ukraine you are greatly loved by so many……CJ L. Cary
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